

Bitcoin (BTC)
$ 102,231.95 3,884.97 (% 3.95)
Ethereum (ETH)
$ 3,688.01 52.72 (% 1.45)
$ 2.420201 0.021253 (% 0.89)
Tether (USDT)
$ 1.00 0 (% 0.06)
Cardano (ADA)
$ 1.093255 0.002310 (% 0.21)
Binance Coin (BNB)
$ 729.77 20.61 (% 2.91)
Stellar (XLM)
$ 0.44610 0.00548 (% 1.24)
$ 0.268230 0.005719 (% 2.18)
Litecoin (LTC)
$ 114.03 -1.62 (% -1.40)
Ethereum Classic (ETC)
$ 28.656050 0.533621 (% 1.90)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
$ 482.89 12.06 (% 2.56)
Cosmos (ATOM)
$ 7.46 0.11 (% 1.54)
$ 0.92 0.02 (% 1.80)
Tezos (XTZ)
$ 1.446391 -0.000330 (% -0.02)
$ 16.53 0.57 (% 3.60)
Holo (HOLO)
$ 0.003539 0.000008 (% 0.23)
Dash (DASH)
$ 43.75 0.05 (% 0.11)
Basic Attention Token (BAT)
$ 0.295165 0.002105 (% 0.72)

The expectation of market participants for the dollar exchange rate at the end of the year was

In a survey conducted by the CBRT with its participants in the financial and real sectors, there was an increase in the year-end CPI and exchange rate forecasts of sector representatives.

According to the survey conducted with 56 participants;

-The inflation expectation at the end of the year was 16.30% in the previous survey period, while it increased to 16.74% during this survey period

- the CPI expectation after 12 months was 12.48% during the previous survey period, while it increased to 12.94% during this survey period.

- the CPI expectation after 24 months was 10.52% and 10.71%, respectively, during the same survey periods.

-The expectation of the exchange rate at the end of the year was TL 8.94 during the previous survey period, while it was TL 8.92 during this survey period.

- the expectation of the exchange rate after 12 months was 9.37 TL in the previous survey period, while in this survey period it was 9.56 TL.

-The expectation of the current monthly overnight interest rate formed in the BIST Repo and Reverse Repo Market and the expectation of the CBRT one-week repo tender interest rate for the current month remained at 19.0%, as in the previous survey period.

-The GDP growth expectation for 2021 increased to 8.2% during this survey period from 6.0% during the previous survey period. The GDP growth expectation for 2022 was 4.0% in the previous survey period and 4.2% in this survey period.



Author: Necdet Erginsoy