CHZ coin price was 0,049169 at 6.9.2024 1.
CHZ coin`s price for the last 52 days on 6.9.2024 1 is 0.
Chiliz (CHZ) coin`s ADX Indicator shows 27,230389 on 6.9.2024 10:25:33
The lowest value of CHZ coin in the last 30 days on 6.9.2024 1 is 0,011550 dollars.Chiliz (CHZ) coin`s Stochastic Oscilator (21-1) Indicator shows 1,405152 on 6.9.2024 10:25:33.The last Market Capacity of CHZ coin on 6.9.2024 1 is 449.072.428,406474 dollars.In the long run, CHZ coin`s price 1 year ago is 0,001070.The 7-day high of CHZ coin on 6.9.2024 1 is 0,018350 dollars.The last 24 hours volume of CHZ coin is 11.058.777 dollars at 6.9.2024 1.CHZ coin`s 1 year ago price on 6.9.2024 1 is 0,001070.
CHZ coin volume was 5.382.254 at 6.9.2024 1.
The Opening price of CHZ coin on 6.9.2024 1 is 0,050513 dollars.The Total Volume of Chiliz (CHZ) for the last 24 hours on 6.9.2024 1 shows 11.058.777 in dollars.Christmas price of CHZ coin in the long run is 0,015430.Chiliz (CHZ) coin`s CCI (20) Indicator shows -121,939807 in 6.9.2024 10:25:33.
Chiliz (CHZ) coin`s CLS Indicator shows 0 on 6.9.2024 10:25:331 month price is 0,015430 for CHZ coin in the long run.Chiliz (CHZ) coin`s CCI (10-10) Indicator shows 0 in 6.9.2024 10:25:33.CHZ coin`s highest year-to-year price in 6.9.2024 1 is 1,673000.The Moving Average of Chiliz (CHZ) coin (9) shows 0,052089 on 6.9.2024 1.Chiliz (CHZ) coin`s CCI (10-5) Indicator shows 0 in 6.9.2024 1.CHZ coin`s last 24 hour change on 6.9.2024 1 is 0.The lowest price for CHZ coin was 0,049437 .
Yesterday`s opening value of CHZ coin on 6.9.2024 1 is 0,017270 dollars.
Yesterday`s high of CHZ coin on 6.9.2024 1 is 0,017270 dollars.
The beta indicator of Chiliz (CHZ) on 6.9.2024 1 shows the value of 7,584103.Yesterday`s closing value of CHZ coin on 6.9.2024 1 is 0,050513 dollars.CHZ coin`s percentage change in the last 24 hours is -2,66 at 6.9.2024 1.Chiliz (CHZ) coin`s Stochastic Oscilator (5-3-T) Indicator shows = on 6.9.2024 10:25:33.CHZ coin price was 0,049169 at 6.9.2024 1.1 week price of CHZ coin in the long run is 0,015430.
In the long run, CHZ is the coin`s highest price since the beginning of the year is 1,673000.
Chiliz (CHZ) coin`s Stochastic Oscilator (5-3) Indicator shows 46,432890 on 6.9.2024 10:25:33.
The high price of CHZ coin on 6.9.2024 1 is 0,051222 dollars.
You can follow the instant CHZ buying and selling price on the CHZ page. How much is CHZ today? How much TL is CHZ , how much is 1 CHZ ? These questions always remain hot among the topics that investors are most curious about. Investors can access the latest up-to - date information from CHZ news to CHZ comments and analyzes on our page, while keeping track of the current CHZ buying and selling prices using the CHZ converter. While the subject of whether CHZ will rise or fall in 2024 continues to be on the agenda, you can follow the latest coin news and expert comments on our page. In addition, crypto money investors have the opportunity to examine the price in detail with the CHZ detail chart section. Since CHZ forecasts in 2024 are in the focus of investors, our CHZ detail chart section stands out for daily, weekly, monthly and yearly cryptocurrency buying and selling price movements, while the CHZ translation feature provides great convenience for CHZ instant tracking and calculation.
Please click here to see all coin prices including CHZ .
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