Triffic how many TL?
1.367252 TL .
Triffic How many dollars?
Triffic (GPS)
$ 0.037222 United states dollar .
Triffic how many euros?
Triffic (GPS)
€ 0.034843 Euro.
TrifficHow many British Pounds, GBP?
Triffic (GPS)
0.028815 British Pound, GBP.
Triffic How many Japanese Yen?
Triffic (GPS)
5.547617 Japanese yen.
Triffic How many Russian Ruble?
Triffic (GPS)
3.766939 Russian ruble .
Triffic how much is the market value?
Triffic (GPS)
Market Cap 372,220,924 .
Triffic What is the total volume over the last 24 hours?
Triffic (GPS)
$ total volume over the last 24 hours 23.10M United states dollar .
Triffic change rate over the last 24 hours?
Triffic (GPS)
change rate over the last 24 hours?% -9.64 .
Total circulating Triffichow much is the amount?
Total circulating Triffic (GPS)
amount of 10,000,000,000 GPS .
Today's high Triffic
Today's high Triffic (GPS)
price $ 0.042900 .
Today's lowest Triffic what is the price ?
Today's lowest Triffic (GPS)
price % $ 0.036929 .