

Bitcoin (BTC)
$ 72,084.86 2,580.96 (% 3.71)
Ethereum (ETH)
$ 4,038.91 133.93 (% 3.43)
$ 0.727106 0.113616 (% 18.52)
Binance Coin (BNB)
$ 519.52 -11.81 (% -2.22)
Tether (USDT)
$ 1.00 0 (% -0.12)
Litecoin (LTC)
$ 105.01 16.80 (% 19.04)
Cardano (ADA)
$ 0.774866 0.057416 (% 8.00)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
$ 443.57 17.63 (% 4.14)
Ethereum Classic (ETC)
$ 37.783474 1.333105 (% 3.66)
Stellar (XLM)
$ 0.15958 0.01918 (% 13.66)
Cosmos (ATOM)
$ 13.68 0.54 (% 4.14)
$ 1.24 0.09 (% 8.19)
$ 0.133004 -0.001235 (% -0.92)
Tezos (XTZ)
$ 1.508825 0.086660 (% 6.09)
$ 18.02 1.05 (% 6.18)
Dash (DASH)
$ 43.44 3.21 (% 7.99)
Holo (HOLO)
$ 0.003539 0.000008 (% 0.23)
Basic Attention Token (BAT)
$ 0.218578 -0.000524 (% -0.24)

Coin Detail - Uniswap Protocol Token (UNI)

TradingView Prepared via.

Coin General Information

Coin Symbol UNI
Coin Name Uniswap Protocol Token
24 hours of change 0.105469
% Change (24 hours) 0.75
Volume (24 hours) $ 215.74M
Algorithm N/A
Approval Method N/A
Block Mining Award .00
Market Capacity $ 14,111,819,902
Total Amount in Circulation 1,000,000,000 UNI

Price Analysis Short Term

Close $ 14.111820
High $ 14.434031
Low $ 13.534905
Open $ 14.006351
7 Days High $ 0.001558
7 Days Low $ 0.001477
Yesterday Close $ 14.006351
Yesterday High $ 0.001526
Yesterday Low $ 0.001526
Yesterday Open $ 0.001526
30 Days High $ 0.004458
30 Days Low $ 0.001307

Price Analysis Long Term

52 Days High $ 0.007231
52 Days Low $ 0.000430
High since the New Year $ 0.004458
Low Since New Year $ 0.000891
1 Week Previous Price $ 0.001477
1 Month Previous Price $ 0.001477
1 Year Previous Price $ 0.004139
Christmas Price $ 0.001477

Coin Startup Technical Analysis

24-hour Direct Volume $ 12.90M
RSI (9) Indicator 51.38
RSI (14) Indicator 54.64
CCI (10) Indicator 33.23
CCI (10-5) Indicator 0
24-hour Total Volume $ 215.74M
Moving Average (9) 6.08
Beta Indicator 426.97

Coin Advanced Technical Analysis

CCI (10-10) Indicator 0
CCI (14) Indicator 50.62
CCI (20) Indicator -19.54
Stochastic Oscilator (5-1) Indicator 47.98
Stochastic Oscilator (5-3) Indicator 44.98
Stochastic Oscilator (5-3-T) Indicator =
Stochastic Oscilator (13-1) Indicator 70.32
Stochastic Oscilator (21-1) Indicator 40.60
SAR Indicator 6.37
MACD Movable (5-E) Indicator 0

Coin Fundamental Analysis

MACD Indicator 0.07 
CLS Indicator 0
ADX Indicator 34.97
No   Name Country Total Coin Pairs Selected Coin Pair Total Volume (24h) Coin Volume (24h)
1 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay ZB China 77 1 1.02M 1.73B
2 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Binance Malta 806 5 51.43B 72.29M
3 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay OKEX China 303 2 8.11B 67.22M
4 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Coinbase U.S.A 284 4 6.65B 25.77M
5 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay HuobiPro Singapore 486 4 2.69B 25.43M
6 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay DigiFinex Republic of Seychelles 192 1 3.95B 10.64M
7 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Dcoin Switzerland 35 1 67.30M 9.32M
8 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Bibox Estonia 107 1 0 8.95M
9 cryptodotcom 215 3 1.47B 8.10M
10 bequant 92 2 325.05M 5.96M
11 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Kucoin China 546 2 2.82B 5.78M
12 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay LBank China 139 1 3.03B 5.76M
13 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay HitBTC United Kingdom 593 2 330.03M 5.30M
14 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Bitfinex British Virgin Islands 235 2 1.17B 3.86M
15 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay FTX Antigua and Barbuda 79 2 0 3.85M
16 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay BinanceUS U.S.A 92 3 61.01M 3.63M
17 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Gemini U.S.A 51 1 150.97M 2.19M
18 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay CoinJar England 48 3 8.32M 2.18M
19 xtpub 175 1 1.83B 2.10M
20 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Bitkub Thailand 33 1 252.51M 1.73M
21 ftxus 25 1 0 1.11M
22 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay BitForex Republic of Seychelles 78 1 0 970.42K
23 binanceusa 92 1 61.01M 962.46K
24 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Bitstamp United Kingdom 103 3 742.44M 950.43K
25 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay BitMart Cayman Islands 137 1 1.90B 938.97K
26 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Cexio United Kingdom 147 2 27.28M 911.54K
27 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay CoinsBit Estonia 60 2 1.54B 737.63K
28 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay UPbit South Korea 205 1 6.78B 436.71K
29 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Paribu Turkey 23 1 0 394.80K
30 uniswapv2 118 1 0 351.30K
31 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Gateio U.S.A 848 2 2.08B 331.66K
32 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay CoinEx Unknown 255 3 140.99M 283.74K
33 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Bittrex U.S.A 328 5 0 243.86K
34 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay ZBG Hong Kong 23 1 0 169.48K
35 currency 33 2 4.81M 114.97K
36 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Coinone South Korea 77 1 199.75M 70.34K
37 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Poloniex U.S.A 146 1 1.80B 58.81K
38 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Nominex Seychelles 33 2 3.67M 58.64K
39 coinsuper 8 1 0 41.59K
40 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Korbit South Korea 31 1 44.29M 5.15K
41 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Liquid Japan 64 1 0 1.28K
42 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Exmo England 136 1 60.99M 279.83
43 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Bitso Mexico 24 0 77.98M 0
44 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay itBit U.S.A 5 0 58.36M 0
45 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay BTC-Alpha England 0 0 40.67M 0
46 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay CoinBene Singapore 0 0 0 0
47 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay BitMax Unknown 0 0 0 0
48 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay GOPAX South Korea 0 0 19.55M 0
49 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Coineal Republic of Seychelles 3 0 0 0
50 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay BitAsset Hong Kong 0 0 0 0
51 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Bilaxy Republic of Seychelles 0 0 680.58M 0
52 huobikorea 445 0 0 0
53 BitZ 113 0 991.86M 0
54 Bithumb 83 0 251.65M 0
55 LAToken 70 0 1.39B 0
56 biki 133 0 2.11B 0
57 tokensnet 22 0 1.23M 0
58 decoin 18 0 2.47M 0
59 bw 115 0 40.29M 0
60 unnamed 43 0 320.99 0
61 indodax 0 0 0 0
62 etoro 4 0 0 0
63 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Bitpanda Pro Austria 0 0 5.31M 0
64 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay BtcTurk Pro Turkey 0 0 0 0
65 0 0 0 0
66 probit 119 0 188.35M 0
67 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Beldex Estonia 0 0 0 0
68 crosstower 7 0 0 0
69 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay Bullish Gibraltar 0 0 1.49B 0
70 ascendex 0 0 185.76M 0
71 mexc 0 0 1.64B 0
72 whitebit 0 0 2.51B 0
73 Btc-Eth-Coin Detay IndependentReserve Australia 39 0 22.42M 0
74 blockchaincom 23 0 1.12M 0
75 coinspro 5 0 12.40M 0
76 bitcoincom 0 0 0 0
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